Friday, April 17, 2015

Dirt Don't Hurt

The sun was shining, the air was warm, and the soil was just asking to be planted.  Speaking of soil, we sure learned a lot about it and how water moves through it.  As the size of rock particles gets smaller, the spaces between them get smaller and water moves much slower through the soil.  Clay is the term for the smallest size rock particles in soil.  Soil with a lot of clay in it stays wet much longer than sand which is bigger in size. We played a really raucous game pretending to be clay, silt, and sand soil.  Watch out, here comes the rain!!! 
We also put our science caps on and tested our hypothesis that water runs through sand soil much faster than clay soil.  Our results supported our hypothesis! 
Our garden is partially planted with our favorite veggies and gnomes are standing guard over them.  In our mystery box this week was a 2 year old potato.  It lent itself nicely to learning about how potatoes grow.  The secret....they grow from old potatoes. 
                                                                      Remember, the garden is always there to explore!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Welcome To Our Garden

Exploring and Growing Veggies

Growing a garden isn't just about popping seeds in the ground and watering.  It is much more than that.  It is a journey of learning and exploring.  Along the way, we will build, craft, sing, read stories, experiment, taste, cook, and play games.  Watch as our garden grows from bare soil to a forest of vegetables through this series of classes.  Let's get our hands dirty and have some fun!
Classes run every other Thursday from 4:15-5:45 during the school year and 10:00-11:30 in the Summer.  We meet behind the YMCA in the garden.  Please have children use the restroom prior to class.  Dress for a mess!

April 16- Dirt Don't Hurt
July 9- Color Me Orange
April 30- Seeing Seeds
July 23- We've Got the Beet
May 14- Garden Superheroes and Villains
August 6- Herbiliscious
May 28- Hot Plants
August 20- Beans, Beans, the Magical Fruit
June 11- Garden Anywhere
September 3- One Potato, Two Potato
June 25- Peas Pretty Please
September 10- Garden Party