Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Hot Plants

It is that time of year, time to get all those heat loving plants into the ground.  Plants like Tomatoes, Peppers, Basil, Corn, Squash, and Beans all like it nice and hot. We added them all to our garden!

We read a silly story called Sam and Dave Dig a Hole. We were on the edge of our seats as Sam and Dave kept digging trying to find something spectacular and it was always just out of reach.  They sure did a lot of digging.  Exit Sam and Dave, enter Lily, Sadie, Kai, and Owen.  They dug a hole, a hole for our bean fort. 

As we were digging we found something spectacular and a little disgusting...cutworms!!!  We gathered them all up and magnified them to get a better look.  They were then relocated.

                                                                                    Come and Explore

Friday, May 1, 2015

Seeing Seeds

The gnomes must have done a fine watchful job because our seeds have sprouted and are beginning their upward journey.  Seeds just need some warmth and some water and they will start growing pretty much anywhere.  Even on a necklace like the ones we made in class today.
We observed two tiny leaves and a root inside of a bean seed.  Pretty cool!  Something to think about next time you are eating chili.  Will a bean plant grow in your stomach?
Kids got their hands dirty planting an herb garden in an old car tire. Planting seeds from row to row, come and see our garden grow.
                                                           Remember, the garden is always there to explore!