Friday, July 24, 2015

Colors of the Garden

Every color of the rainbow you can find in the garden.  No really!  Red from tomatoes, Orange from carrots, Yellow from corn, Green from lettuce, Blue from blueberries, and Purple from beans.  The garden is a pretty colorful place.  We made rainbow salads this time in class and every color was present. 
Now, the goal is to try to eat a rainbow everyday or at least most days.  Everyone took home a chart to map their progress toward the goal.  There will be a prize for those that fill out the chart!

We shelled a bunch of peas to plant next year and played Human Camera, capturing beautiful snapshots of the garden with our partners. 
Creepy Carrots was the title of the book this week.  Luckily no one got too creeped out although I was able to make volunteer Malia jump pretty good.  At the end of class we acted out commercials to encourage people to eat their veggies.  "Red, red, it's in my head," some of the jingles really stuck. 

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